“My mission is to help you see your infinite potential, so you can manifest anything you desire!”

Hey there!

I’m Marlene Sugey.

I’m an energetic alignment expert, Manifestation Mentor, Master Success Coach, and the host of the Boss Energy podcast. I’m obsessed with helping you energetically align yourself to the life you’ve always dreamed of.

I help passionate individuals like you stop settling to your circumstances and awaken to your inner power.

My mission is to help you see your infinite potential so that you can create the success you desire in your life and business!


Private Coaching

What if manifesting success is not about changing what you do on the outside but doing the work on the inside?

It’s about what you BELIEVE about yourself and how you energetically show up daily.

To get unconventional results, it's time to start leveraging the unconventional methods that modern entrepreneurs are implementing to manifest success and abundance in their lives and businesses!

Learn how to create a vision aligned with your goals, release your limiting beliefs, reprogram your subconscious mind, and show up from the energy of already having precisely what you desire so that you can achieve your goals, attract your manifestations, and start creating the successful life, business & financial freedom you want.


Boss Energy

  • Manifestation

  • Mindset

  • Business

& so much more!


Get It Right, Girl.


Energetically Aligned


Ultimate Alignment

What they’re saying


Wealth & Success Subliminal Download

Subliminal audio is fast and one of my favorite ways to reprogram the subconscious mind.

It's easy! Just hit play and relax.

Click the button below and enter your name and email for instant access! to your FREE 30 minutes wealth & success subliminal audio.